Meet Tiffani

Tiffani and her family.

Tiffani and her family.

Hi Ladies!  I’m Tiffani.  I am a 30… something… mom, wife, daughter, sister, inlaw, and friend.  I stay home with my kids and my husband works his cute little butt off to make that dream possible for me.  We have recently started a little business out of our home.  Between that and having a baby a few weeks ago, I’ve been staying plenty busy.
My kids are growing so fast!  I have a little (not so little?) boy who turns 8 at the end of this year, another one who is looking forward to his 5 & a HALF mark, and a pretty little teenage girl who just turned 4.  You read that right.  She’s not 14, she’s 4.  My baby is 5 weeks today.  And by the time you read this, he may be 2.  But he is a perfect little light in our lives!  His big brothers and sister adore him.
I am a Mormon, or member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am blessed to serve the people I attend church with, and I’m blessed by the ways that they serve my family and me.  I’ve never felt more grateful to have such an amazing network of faithful women, than I did when I lost my little girl, Delaney.  We’ll talk more about that another time though.
I love essential oils.  Weird to mention that in my bio?  Well, not really.  You could say they are a hobby of mine, but to me its a little more than that.  Years ago, I knew I wanted to be a nurse someday.  I love the human body, its functions and how intricately it operates without a single thought on our part.  When I discovered and started to learn about essential oils, I realized that although I may still go to nursing school someday, I had found something that could help me channel my passion for helping and healing others.  I am not as healthy as I could be (read: I don’t exercise as much or eat as well as I should!) but my journey in using essential oils has helped my family and many others to improve their health and that is very rewarding to me.
I’m excited to be a part of this website where we can all come to learn and grow from each others’ experiences. I hope, like I know Gina does, that you will find comfort and peace here, knowing that you are not alone, even in your most lonely hours.

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